Archive | September, 2008


30 Sep

i HAD an addiction…oh let me correct that i still HAVE the addiction…

for the longest time i thought i was sober…i haven’t succumbed to the temptation for the longest i could remember…but alas, with just one sight, i relapsed..:(

i haven’t been crazy about them for the longest time, at 1st it was hard work..i had to avoid places with them at all cost..until finally, i thought i have gotten over them…for some time, i did not even bother to keep track of where most of mine were, haven’t bought any new one until that fateful evening, when out of necessity, i had to go downtown after class to buy shorts for my itsy bitsy teeny weeny dress, my willpower fell flat when i saw hordes of them in one corner…and i bought 2…Oh God, at least only 2!and now the fire has been ignited again…can’t wait to have new ones..and i’m desperate to keep tabs on where all the rest of my collection are..



hahah!! as if jud unsa na addiction..rach..hahah..w lingaw!


23 Sep

oh my gosh! how time flies so fast…i can still feel like i just had my parties just yesterday and in a few days, i’d be celebrating my bday again…

gore n oka! huhuhu! but duh, i’m gonna have a grand 25th bday costume party…if you’re not in costume, you’re not allowed to if i have the money to throw one..hahah..well, who knows..hehe.

and yes indeed time flies so fast, and we’d be celebrating our 6oth month together the very next day…weeeee!!! love you lovey!!! KOL!!!